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Get Rid Of Filler Words

filler words performance Dec 05, 2024

First things first: it is ok to say the occasional filler word! Saying “um” or “like” will not ruin your presentation.

What will ruin your presentation is being disconnected from what you’re saying because you’re thinking about your use of filler words. 

You can work on this, but remember: our ultimate goal when speaking is connection, not perfection.

Here is your process: 

1) Choose your word. Examples include: um, uh, so, right, like, you know. I would suggest only working on one filler word at a time. Doing more than one could get confusing. 

 2) Start with awareness. It is difficult to break an unconscious habit. So let’s make it conscious. Pay attention to yourself talk. Notice - ideally without judgement - when you say the word. Do not do anything. Just let the awareness build.

3) Once you get to the point where a little notification goes off internally every time you say the word, you are ready for this next step. When you feel you are about to say the word, pause instead. Pause...then continue speaking without using the filler word.

Tip: When you first start doing this, it may be clunky. I find it is best to practice at home or in low pressure social settings before moving it into your professional world. 

4) Change will not happen immediately, but it will come. Keep practicing and be patient with yourself. Eventually the habit will break. The pauses will tighten. You will be able to speak without your chosen filler word.

A note on ums and uhs: 

It is possible your use of "um" isn’t a habit. It could be a symptom of your nervousness.

People who are uncomfortable public speaking use the word 'um' to avoid silences.

There are five pillars of public speaking you can improve to become a more confident speaker.

They are:

  • Learn how to calm your nervous system
  • Improve your self-talk
  • Swap out limiting beliefs for supportive ones
  • Prepare properly
  • Engage your audience

This is how you can overcome your fear of public speaking.

I know because this is the strategy I use to help people in my Deliver Your Best program.

By improving your skill in these five areas, you will find you are a much more calm and confident speaker.

You will also discover that a lot of your 'ums' will have melted away as well.

P.s. This is Day 3 of 12 Days of Public Speaking Tips. Sign up for my newsletter so you get every single tool and strategy I share! As a bonus, you get my quick fix for nerves guide.

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